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On The Issues

Jean firmly believes that Women should have the right to access reproductive healthcare without restriction, and she supports a woman’s right to choose. Jean unequivocally supports the equal rights amendment and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all, including in our businesses, educational institutions and childcare. Jean knows that big corporations spend millions of dollars working to influence legislation and taking the power away from ordinary citizens. It’s time to get big money out of our politics. What could be more precious than protecting our democracy—ensuring that every voter has a voice and strengthening the public trust in our elections?

Justice & Equity

We need an economy that works for everyone - not just the wealthy and the well-connected. Corporate profits are at an all-time high while many Mainers continue to struggle, living paycheck to paycheck. Jean will support policies to hold big corporations accountable, particularly when it comes to the high cost of energy, and she will support investment in programs that give everyone in our community the resources to thrive, not just survive. No Mainer should be forced to choose between paying a medical bill, filling a prescription, or putting food on the table. Jean will fight to bring down healthcare costs. She’ll support policies to make healthcare more accessible and more affordable, hold hospitals accountable for fair billing practices and work to ensure that rural health care providers have the resources they need to reach patients in every corner of the state. As a single mom and part-time student, Jean knows firsthand how challenging it can be to find quality, affordable housing in our area. Jean will tackle our state’s affordable housing crisis by supporting investment in housing, protecting renters from housing discrimination and speculative rent hikes, and incentivizing communities to adopt zoning reforms to encourage more affordable housing development. Jean believes that we can respect Maine’s strong heritage of responsible gun ownership while also making sure that guns don’t get into the hands of people who present a danger to themselves or others. Jean supports an assault weapons ban, enacting a red flag law, universal background checks and prohibiting bump stocks.

Safety & Economic Security

Global Warming

With Jean’s background in the environmental sciences, she’s highly focused on the impact we are having on our planet, and the effects that climate change are having on us and upon the next generation. Whether it’s farmers struggling to plant due to unpredictable growing seasons or fishermen worried about how warming waters will impact their futures, the threat of climate change is already present in our communities. Jean will prioritize policies that help us mitigate the effects of climate change while also championing the development of clean energy jobs in our community

Jean believes that investing in affordable, accessible child care is an investment in all of us. Reliable, affordable childcare promotes child development as well as parental employment and family self-sufficiency. As the mother of two daughters in the Bath public schools, Jean recognizes the value of a high-quality education. Schools serve as more than just a place of learning, they offer students spaces where they can express themselves, have a free meal if they are in need, and access peer and adult support. Jean is a member of the Sagadahoc County Working Communities Challenge, addressing systemic change to improve the mental health of our young adults. From fully funding our public schools to supporting career and technical education programs, Jean will be a champion for our community’s youth. Substance abuse is a major public health crisis among youth and adults in Maine. In recent years, drug overdose has killed an increasing number of Mainers. More needs to be done to address this epidemic and to support rehabilitation services. It’s no secret that Maine is an older state, and many members of our community are facing the daunting prospect of being unable to afford the care they need to age in their homes, on their terms. Jean supports extending and expanding the family caregiver tax credit to provide financial support to family caregivers caring for an aging or disabled loved one, as well as raising MaineCare reimbursement rates for homecare service providers to ensure that care workers are paid a living wage for the important work that they do. Jean will support legislation for mental health, substance abuse and to ensure access and coverage for mental health services

Compassion & Care

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